Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Once again

I posted about love recently, and I feel that it's all that God is showing me recently. So I am posting about it again, in hopes to encourage and open our eyes once again to the most vital thing that we will undertand in our life.

Love is a commitment to do what is best for the person you are loving. Jesus said that even sinners "love" those that "love" them. But as Christians, we are called to love those who are not loving toward us!

Love is not an emotional feeling. Love is actions, a choice, decisions you make to put another above yourself. To do what is in the best interest of the other person. To think what you would want if you were that person! So many people think they'll fallen in love, but what they've done is fallen into an attraction. Love is something so much more beautiful and deep... It is the choice to always put another person above yourself. How many of us do that? Truly?

So, once again:

I have been thinking about this topic and trying to understand it most of my life. What is love? What does it feel like? What does it look like?

I'm still young, but I feel that life has taught me rather quickly through many trials and painful experiences just what this is supposed to look like. What true love is and what the world has tried to pass off as a sad excuse for the word.

I often quote a couple sayings that I've picked up along my journey, that really have shaped what I believe love is. One of them says, "you can like a person because of who they are, but you love a person because of who YOU are."

Love is a position, an action, a decision. You become love and are therefore able to love another. The bible says love is patient, kind, good, doesn't envy or boast, isn't proud or rude or self-seeking....
Love isn't self-seeking.... It always perseveres.

Not many of these traits of love are seen in this world today, not even in the church. We've lost the vision of what it means to love a person. we often "fall out of love" in this culture, and divorce is just as common in the church now as it is out of the church. We don't even understand marriage, we expect our partner to fulfill the deep needs in us for love, instead of going into it with the understanding that we are called to serve and lovethem. So for so many of us, our love is selfish. We want the easy way, the emotions that make it easy to treat someone the way that we are called to treat them. We find it easy to love those who are loving toward us, but do we step it up when they are NOT loving toward us and love them still the same? Treat them kindly when they haven't treated us that way? Refused to give up on them?

The only way to understand love is to look at the one who IS love, Jesus Christ.  It's really heartbreaking to me to know that if we have so much trouble truly loving the ones that should be easiest to love, how would we do with our enemies? Jesus loved those and forgave those who were murdering him.

Love truly is a position, an attitude that we become. We learn to love, and i think that the only person we can learn to love from is the one who is love.

I've been reading this book called "tortured for Christ". It's a book written by the founder of an organization that brings awareness of the persecuted church... This man spent 14 years being tortured in a communist prison in Romania for Jesus. The stories he tells are incredible and horrifying... And so very real for a very large part of the body of Christ. Though, as I have read this book I see something that we western world Christians cannot fathom... They learn to love those who are torturing them. The stories that he tells of how they were able to love those and serve those who killed their own family members or tortured them, are so very inspiring to me.

Love is more than we have made it to be. And this world is in desperate need for the true love that we are called to become.

But the deepest revelation I have had about love is not in the understanding what it is, but in understanding where we go to get it, become it, and live it. 

There is only one source for our need of love, and that is God. If you would have told me that a year ago I would have laughed. I did not believe that and struggled with understanding how an unseen God could fill the gaping hole in my soul and that deep need for love.

It was not until I really understood that no person would ever satisfy my soul, that I began to pursue my father in heaven for that need... And to my astonishment, was satisfied.  And it has freed me to love those around me without needing back from them. It has freed me to actually love.

More and more everyday I understand what the looks like and become more of what my father created me to be. Not taking but giving to others, thinking about how I can serve and love them instead of how I can get my need for love met. Every day I grow in this, and it's only going to get better.

SO this is my encouragement: Get to know the God who is love, get your need for that love met in him.
Because we are called to serve and give to those around us, and the only way we can do that is if we are being filled by the one who can give us what we need to pour out.

I pray he gives you this revelation so that you may understand this beautiful truth.