Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I did not believe my fellow ex-pats when they told me china would make it rain, so that today would be unbelievably sunny.

So for the last few days we have had a lot of smog, but yet no clouds...and yesterday roles around and all the sudden it is EXTREMELY cloudy...but like FOGGY too....we have an extremely brief crazy thunderstorm and today it is as clear as Colorado here in Beijing.

If China doesn't stop shooting crap up into the atmosphere to control the weather, I may come home looking like a fish.

All of this silliness is because today is the 60th anniversary of the communist rule. There is a big parade here in Beijing.........but nobody is allowed to go to it. That's right....invitation only.

on a lighter note, here are some funny signs I found:

Friday, September 18, 2009


Bag pipes...playing "Amazing Grace" outside of my window rather loudly.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I know now why I have sleepless nights...

I'm called to...being stop being fake.

My world is being turned upside down, and it hurts but I love it.

It's as if this walk has layers, and you keep going deeper and deeper into it.

This is a big jump though.

The line is being drawn...and a voice saying: "This is the decision...The choice to be hot or cold...this is where all your comfort is stripped from you, and you make the choice to either continue with your luke-warm heart and flowery words...or risk it all for something other than yourself."

I have never really been selfless. Deep down, I have never really cared about anything other than myself. And I am broken over it.

Yet, I hear that sweet voice, beckoning me...Inviting me to change.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

I just saw a really pretty girl wearing a big letters on the back it said "DAD"


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I have officially ordered something over the phone and had it delivered to my house successfully!

While you may think that this is petty, I beg you to reconsider.

Chinese is just THAT much harder to understand over the phone. :)



So, I get my handy dictionary out (online) and I look up the words "Albutorol sulfate"
Which is also known as an inhaler. Medicine that I am in particular need of on a consistent basis.

Now in America....You need to be under the care of a doctor, who prescribes said medication in order to get it filled....which I might add is quite expensive.

WELL, In this here country of ZHONG GUO, you simply need to know the name in Chinese, then you just waltz into any given pharmacy and you can buy it without a prescription for $5.58 USD.

Right now, I'm tearing up's justice or something. I can breathe without the help of doctor....with my own mouth...speaking Chinese........IT"S A BEAUTIFUL PLACE.

I'm never leaving.

I had to talk myself through not buying all four boxes right know?


haha, like they're going to disappear or something...

no, no.

They are here to stay, and I can buy them whenever I like.

It feels much like what it may feel like if you could just waltz into walmart and buy questions asked.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If you ever lived in China, and get's hilarious.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A picture of a restroom inside of a restaurant. taste of China!

I just got back from riding on a motorcycle with a Ghanaian....very interesting things happen to you in China.

I took before and after photo's of the apt so you could see how gross it was at first, and what two days of
scrubbing did to it later. It looks so cute and is so comfy now!!

So here are the before:

And here are the after!!!! :)

It's a nice apt for china, I'm really lucky. :)

The thing that I am NOT lucky about it how quickly I noticed my tan disappearing...Well, it's at a faster pace than normal because there is almost nothing that you can buy here in China that does not have WHITENING agent in it. These people are so weird....

But tell me this....why is it that I can't buy lotion, soap, cleanser, foundation, or any kind of product without whitening agent in it, but can't find whitening toothpaste ANYWHERE!

I'm telling you people, it looks strange when you look like a ghost but have orange teeth.

I miss you!!!