Monday, October 21, 2013

New season

So it's been about four weeks now that Nathan and I have been in this school. We have taken a week to go in depth in each book of the bible, and now we are in Deuteronomy. God is doing huge things in both of our hearts as we study the word together. A huge foundation is being laid, and I feel like he's revealing little by little why this school was so vital for us to do.

Every Christian has questions, every Christian has things in their life that they don't quite understand. Sometimes we can go a long time before we face those questions, and when we do... it can turn our world upside down.

For me, in my life, I have experienced a large amount of tragedy... Things that wounded me deeply, and filled my heart with questions. Those questions are gently being answered by my father in heaven as I study his word. He is showing me his character, he is showing me things I have believed about him that weren't actually true. And he is filling me with hope and Joy like I've never had as he gently cleans deeper into my heart and heals those age old wounds.

Why is this important for Nathan and I to do in order to be missionaries?

Because what can we give a hurting world, if we are still hurting deeply? If there is nothing in us to pour out, how can we pour to those that are starving around us? God has made it clear to the both of us, that this process is going to take us further in being able to lead a lost world back to their father, as he leads us deeper and closer to him ourselves.

He is grinding at our hearts, stirring them up, ripping old things out, and laying a beautiful foundation to save us, and to save those around us. Because we will have more to give once we are full ourselves as well. More to give than we have ever given.... the fullness of our father.

Please pray with us as we go through this together. Pray we get all the financial support we need for this school. Pray if God is asking you to partner with us financially. Pray that we are filled with the truth in a bigger way than ever, so that we can pour out to this hurting world in a way we've never yet been able to.

we love you so much!

Nathan and Charissa