Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New journey

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I've written, things have been crazy since we left Mexico to come to Canada and have our precious baby girl.  Since then I have been recovering, and learning how to be a new mom! She in now ten weeks old, and growing so fast!!

But, time is running out and it's time to get prepared for our next big move, which we have had planned for some time now, and were just waiting to have our baby.

Nathan and I will be moving to ch'na, as many of you know, and plan to be there August 1st of this year. Nathan has been working and we've been trying to save up money and to pay for he hospital bills from having Rowan.

The plan is that we will leave Canada to go to California in the beginning of July, to spend three weeks in California with my family and supporters and then one week in Mexico reconnecting with our base there, who we are still a part of, and will be a part of even when we are overseas.

Then we plan to be in China in the beginning of August and starting language school in September for Nathan.

Now, on to some really exciting news! We have been in contact with an organization there that take care of orphan children who are HIV positive, and they find homes for those children to be placed in, like foster homes, and we have decided that is one thing we are going to do while we live there. We have one little three year old boy that looks like might be a great fit for our family. We are very excited to be able to a part of this, and love those that have been abandoned. Nathan and I both have a heart for children and orphans and we know God will use us in this way while we are there.

Please keep us in your prayers, we have a few months left here in Canada, and are trying to get everything sorted out for us to make this huge move.

We are also in need of $500.00 more monthly in support for our budget while we are there, please pray about being a part of that monthly. We really need you walking beside us and partnering with us for this to happen.

Please message or email me if you feel you want to be a part of that.

We love you guys so much!!

The Goodes.