Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

not so random

Numbered 1-53

Andrew thinks that I don't talk about "substantial" things. Andrew says that I just talk about silly things. But THEN when we were at the post office, he started making up a story that wasn't true that I was supposed to go along with......with just the two of us......nobody else would ever hear the fake story.....we just pretended it was real. How unsubstantial of him.


Andrew licks his boogers. I saw.


Because I saw him lick his booger and freaked out, he made it WORSER and stuck all our LUNCH TISSUES up his nose. Who wants to share a plate of jiaozi's with someone with tissues stuffed up their nose?


Andrew calls me "woman" like it's ok.


Andrew walks too fast. WAY too fast. We'll be walking down the crowded streets of Harbin, and he's all like "keep up" and it looks to the Chinese people like he's running away from me and I'm trying to catch him. And the little gap where he squeezed through five Chinese people closes on me, and then I get stuck, and have to run to catch up to him almost getting hit by a car. I feel dumb. So he's dumb.


Andrew cries in public, and it embarrasses me.

wouldn't this embarrass you?


Andrew made me come ALL way back to Ha Gong da to pick him up because he didn't want to come MEET me where I ALREADY was. Yep. Dumb.

One time I asked him to go to coffee and he rejected me, so I reject him.


Andrew forgot his Camera on Picture taking day.
So we had to go ALLLLL the way back and get it.


Andrew said his mom was hotter than my mom.

Andrew likes Baozi's



WELL.....There's more to come when he does more or I remember what I forgot. Stay tunned

Monday, November 10, 2008

Chickens and Bamboo

SO I'm sick. It happens.

But, I decided that I needed some good old American medicine.... Noodle Soup.

However, trying to find NOODLE soup...Like the zhende American style noodle soup proved to be a rather difficult task for me. I did however manage to find a Chinese style Chicken Bullion seasoning. Got back to my dorm, and tried to just make some broth out of it. I felt like it was just TOO plain for me to stomach, so I went to the little difang on the first floor of my dorm to find something I could put in it.....This was also quite a difficult task. I dug through several cans of what I can only guess are canned meats....Some packages of pickled chicken feet (which I considered might work) but alas, I managed to find a dusty can of pickled bamboo in the very back of the shelf....

I like bamboo. So I decided I would try it out. Washed the strange red pickle sauce off of them, and cooked those babies up. It's not half bad.

Being a foreigner in a place like China is intensely interesting most of the time. Constant staring...and plenty of interesting perks. (I'm an optimist) And's just downright funny. (click on picture to blow it up so you can read)

The cold is definitely approaching. I say that as if it's not already here, but I think I've braced myself for conditions so intense, that the current lows of ten degrees Fahrenheit aren't phasing me quite yet.

Today I did break down and go to the clothing place to buy some nice under(wear??) You know...those like heavy duty leg stockings you put under jeans...(Hey...I'm from southern California....) I won't wear them till it gets a bit worse as they make people look fat.

I don't think I've ever mentioned to those faithful readers of my blog zai America about China's spitting problem....and throw-up problem...and urinating problem...
To catch you up to speed, basically it's a problem.....people everywhere do it...all day long....right on the street. I've learned how to maneuver these small piles of loogies and such.

But recentely, because of the freezing temperatures everything that is on the ground has become frozen. By that I mean.....All the loogies are frozen. The piles of puke....frozen....
So must watch your step extra carefully...lest you slip on a frozen loogie and die.

I'm not joking...I slipped on a loggie. I saw this other chick slip on....something like a loogie but bigger. Only God knows what it was.

Despite the disease infested streets I still wear my shoes in my house. I am guessing this is why my roommates think I'm disgusting. Only recently have I made the connection of Asian culture and taking there shoes off at the door, and why my roommates face turned green when she saw me set my shoes on my bed....

There is always room for learning.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So I finally understand why in Chinese they use "ta" for he AND she.

Because you cannot the difference between some Chinese people, if they're a girl of boy. Even some of my Chinese friends and I will be walking, and I'll see one, and be like, "Girl or boy" and they're like...."yeah, I dunno"

So "Ta" is a great way to be inoffensive.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mathematics and Hott Russian tempers

A few days ago I was at corner coffee, you know just minding my own business, like I always do, when I noticed a rather small strange man sitting in a corner, he seemed to be waiting for someone....he seemed irritable, and ready to pounce.

Well I was right.

My Russian guy friend comes in, and the guy walks over to him, they shake hands like their hao pen you's or something, and then the rather small man goes, "Give me my money" I TOTALLY thought they were playing a game, until the little man decided that he was going to get into the face of the really tall Russian they do in the movies.

I DUUUUUUNO, if I were that rather small man, I would've calculated the fact that this rather large Russian guy could snap my leg like...something easily snappable.

But this little small guy was just not good at math or something, he proceeded to like...get in this guys face and yell at him to "pay up" I was like......LITTLE DUUUUDE..he's RUUUUSSIAN........He could be KGB or something! But no, the little guy THEN decided to STEAL the Russian guys guitar.... (..........................)

The big Russian man got in his face and (might I add I have never seen anything so hott in my life as this) says: "I VVvWIL BRAKE YOUR FACCSE" **Melts**

Well, the big Russian guy let the guy go with his guitar, mostly because he works here at the coffee shop and I guess probably could have got fired if he did snap the little man right here, so the little man got away with the guitar at 1:08 pm.

Big Russian man makes a phone call at 1:09 pm....

At 4:30 pm bigger Russian man walks into Corner coffee with his face all scratched, bruised, and bloody. (I'm sure in this case, judging by the size of this brute, it is a correct statement to say "you should have seen the other guy") I think it's very smart of the original big Russian guy to call BIGGER Russian guy in matters such as these, because big Russian guy has a really pretty face that I'm glad doesn't now look like BIGGER Russian guys'.....You know?

I've been having some problems here in China, oh you know just the usual....Few stalkers here and there.

I want to go up to the big Russian guy and be like....... "Can I have the # of your henchman?"
duuno, could come in handy.