Friday, August 1, 2014

Why we are the way we are? Surrender.

I know that there are many people who are confused by the way that Nathan and I live, especially when you see facebook posts asking you to help us with money.

There are days like today where I am sometimes confused as well, for a moment in a time of need, when the day to pay a bill has come and we don't have the money we need, I sometimes feel confused as well. Sometimes thoughts cross my mind of simply going home and living a "normal" life like everyone else... Having jobs and getting a paycheck.

Today I had that thought, as I cried during worship time at the base, filled with fear that we wouldn't get what we needed in time, and the shame of having to ask people to help us yet again... But, then I felt the Lord speak to me, the same thing that he does every time I have that thought of wanting to go home.


I gave my life to God a long time ago, I surrendered, and I promised him I would go where he called and do whatever he asked me to do. For me, going home and getting a regular job would not be obedience, because he clearly called me to be a missionary, he told me this was what he wanted me to do, spend my life furthering his kingdom in this way.

It doesn't make sense to the world, not one bit.

But, my love for him beckons me to obey, to lay my life down and remain where he's called, to give it all for him no matter what it costs me. My life is to be surrendered.

In case you don't know what Nathan and I do in Mexico, we work for an organization that builds homes for homeless people. Families that live in shacks made of plywood and hung up curtains. We live to make a difference to people who have nothing, and we do it because it's what Jesus commanded us to do.

We love what we do, we love to be surrendered, even when it's scary, even if that means we don't have what we could have if we lived at home with regular jobs... We love living in surrender, and for us there is no other choice. To go home would be disobedience, to stay means depend on God for what we need, and to humble ourselves and ask when we need, allowing you guys to be a part of the work we do by partnering with us to help keep us here.

For us, this is our identity. Surrender.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Surrender is not easy . It is a daily walk . Sometimes it is minute by minute. Yet to obey is better than sacrifice. When we surrender we are sacrificing our will to be His will,.